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spilling over the wall
blue asters


Literary Magazines, Anthologies, and Chapbooks:


Canadian Literature, 2021: “Mistaking Nike for Niobe.”
The Antigonish Review, Vol. 50, No. 201-02, 2020: “When the Sharp-edged Day is Shuttered.”

Contemporary Verse 2, Vol 39, Issue 2, 2016:  "Never Too Late."
Vallum, Issue 16.1, 2019, Connections: "At Hillside Coffee and Tea," a printed and audio version, later renamed “Belief.” C

Paul Steenhuisen provided the electro-acoustic musical accompaniment to this poem.

Vallum, Issue 15.2, 2018, The Chase: “To Fill in the Blank,” a digital and audio version. Composer Linda Caitlin Smith provided

the musical accompaniment from her CD "Memory Forms."
Island Writer, Vol. 12, Issue 2, 2014: "By the Road."

Island Writer, Vol. 7, Issue, 2, 2009: "News."

Island Writer, Vol. 8, Issues 2, 2010: "Parksville."
Island Writer, Vol. 9, Issue 1, 2011: "A Clear Blue Sky."

Sweet Water: Poems for the Watersheds. Ed. Yvonne Blomer. Caitlin Press, 2020: “Godsend.”
Voicing Suicide. Ed. Daniel Scott. Ekstasis Editions, 2020: “Onslaught,” later renamed “By the Roadside.”
Hologram for P.K. Page. Eds. Yvonne Blomer and D.C. Reid. Published bye the League of Canadian Poets, 2020: “Choir Me Too.” 

Poems for Planet Earth. Eds. Yvonne Blomer and Cynthia Woodman Kerkham. Leaf Press, 2013: "An Offering."


In That Wild Place: Poems from Ocean Wilderness. Ed. Patrick Lane. Leaf Press, 2013: "Hollows."

Vanishing Into The Leaves: Poems from Ocean Wilderness. Ed. Patrick Lane. Leaf Press, 2014: "The Fourth Monk."


Haiku Anthologies: 


Last Train Home. Ed. Jacqueline Pearce.  Add press    2021: “ear to the tracks,” “weeds between the tracks.”

The Wanderer Brush: The Art of Haiga. Ed. Ion Codrescu.  Red Moon Press, 2020: “dusk,” “missing home,” "rocking," Ion Codrescu’s sumi paintings accompany the haiku in this haiga anthology.

The Signature Haiku Anthology: Including Senryu and Tanka. Ed. Robert Epstein. Middle Island Press, 2020: "red apples."

this tiny shell. 2017 Haiku Arbutus Anthology. Ed. Sidney Bending, Jim Force, and Margaret Rutley: “mid-day heat.”
Wordless: Haiku Canada 40 years of haiku. Eds. Marco Fraticelli and Claudia Coutu Radmore. Ekstasis Editions, 2017: “red apples.” 
Haiku Canada Members’ Anthologies:

 smoke from my candle, 2020: “rusted car.” 

at the water’s edge, 2019: “first frost."
a far galaxy, 2018: "high school crush."

sailing into the moon, 2016: "an eagle."

comparing tattoos, 2015: "seaweed."
Haiku Canada Review, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2020: "flooded meadow."
Erotic Haiku: Of Skin on Skin. Eds. George Swede and Terry Ann Carter. Black Moss Press, 2017: “on the chair.”


Chen-ou Liu’s NeverEnding Story. The first English-Chinese Bilingual Haiku and Tanka Blog, 2017: “on the chair.”




Frogpond, Vol. 43:3,  2020: “Headlines of the Day.” 

cattails, Oct. 2020: “Gauging the Weather.”

Haiku Canada Review, Vol. 14, No. 2, Oct. 2020: “Do Not Touch.







Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival Haiku Invitational. Top winner for British Columbia, 2020:

"cherry blossom/ after cherry blossom/ dawn's slow light."


Island Writer, Vol. 18, Issue 2, 2020: "Wild Strawberries." First Prize.


Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival Haiku Invitational, Sakura award, Honourable mention for British Columbia, 2018:

"cherry blossoms/ among the rhododendrons/ pink and deeper pink."


Collected Haiku: LCP chapbook series.  Two haiku were among the winners of the League of Canadian Poets' 2018 haiku contest: 

"snow," "dusk."


Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival Haiku Invitational, Sakura award winner for British Columbia, 2017:

"missing home/ a cherry blossom/ in her coffee."


Vallum, Issue 11.1, Thresholds, 2014:“Dun.” Honourable mention. Vallum's Poem of the Week, Feb. 2018. Accompanying music
the CD "Memory Forms" by Linda Catlin Smith, with permission.


FreeFall, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2013: "blue and white pottery." First prize.    Judged by Patrick Lane.


Judge's Comments:


Jack Gilbert said “irregularity is at the heart of all good poetry.” I agree. This poem is full of  sudden conjunctions and artful

disconnects. It opens the mind to multiple tracks, seductive pathways, shifts and changes that remind me of a ghazal’s artifices,

but this is no ghazal! I was startled and delighted by the shifts from “Ching dynasty pottery shards” to “16th Century Goa,”

and on to “Chopin’s garden.” The poem ends with the single word, “Transplantable,” and I love the shadow of “translatable”

hiding behind it. The leaps here cohere and the mind of poetry follows them from stun to stun. I was very impressed by

the writer’s accomplished audacity. 


Island WriterVol. 9, issue 2, winter 2011: “After the Opera on Humboldt Street.” First Prize.

Island Writer, Vol. 9, Issue 2, 2011: "After the Opera on Humboldt Street."   First prize.



The poem "Three Wishes" was chosen for the 2018-2019 BC Poetry in Transit program.











  Other Publications

All That You Can't Bear to Lose


a poetry/ photo collaboration with my nephew, Jens Gerbitz

Above the Beaten Path


A travel memoir written by my husband, Dru Narwani, and me, about our adventures flying a single-engine Cessna 182 into remote corners of the world.


Online publication, first four chapters, available at

© 2016 by Ulrike Narwani. Website design by Zoe Dickinson. Proudly created with WIX.COM
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